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Wow, today I really felt like a true Daughter of the American Revolution!


On October 8, 2021 I was able to participate in an event that is so important to the success of this nation. I was able to visit the Gettysburg Montessori school and read to the first and second graders. The book was donated by my Gettysburg, Chapter and discussed how to pass a bill to make new law.

Some may think that my reference to the importance of this activity to the success of our nation is a bit extreme. But for me it’s not. Our children are the future and the foundation on which the schools build to ensure our children’s success as adults. The importance of education to the DAR is one of the reasons I wanted to become a daughter. And, of course, I would never have succeeded without the strong encouragement from my dear friend Barbara, who did a lot of research to help me to qualify.

I’ve been a member for little over a year. And, I have to say this organization is one of the most fascinating to which I have ever belonged. Their principles are outstanding – Historic Preservation, Education and Patriotism. The comradery that this organization has and its efforts made to support those principles is remarkable.

At the suggestion of Barbara, I enrolled in and completed the new member training course. This course gives you a wonderful overview of the entire organization. As a special project, I visited the Madonna in Bethesda, one of 12, statutes that marks the 12 states through which the “Old Trails Road” passed -Maryland to California.

So, if you are thinking about becoming a daughter – do it! You will be pleasantly surprised.

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