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Showcasing our Officers


Updated: Jul 18, 2021

As our chapter begins a new year, I'd like to focus on our officers: first vice regent, second vice regent, chaplain, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, registrar, historian, librarian, and parliamentarian. They make all that we do possible. From planning a great line-up of programs to mailing out service personnel care packages to managing our finances. The officers make it all work. First up in our officer series is Kendra, our recording secretary. Thank you, Kendra!

Hello there! Edy has asked that those of us serving in one of the chapter’s official positions share a thought or two on our role. So, I am the recording secretary, and as such, my duties are pretty clear: capture all the information, decisions, and activities that flow from our regular chapter membership meetings as well as those few executive board meetings that occur throughout the year. I need to ensure completeness because this information goes into the chapter’s history and serves as an historical reference for present and future chapter purposes and members. So that seems pretty cut and dried.

But personally, and as a relatively new Daughter (2018), this position has allowed me to peer inside the workings of a chapter and the efforts on the part of all the officers and members to make this chapter work. It has been a quick education in the many facets of a chapter that may not be immediately visible to the general membership.

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