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DAR Writ Large!


I love attending our great chapter events; imagine enjoying interesting talks and luncheons with friends while sharing service in so many important DAR areas. Afterall, the chapters are where the work of DAR gets done!

Now, imagine getting involved in state events. Our impact as members suddenly grows larger. For example, this year our PSSDAR contributed to the restoration of the historic Carpenter’s Hall after its fire, supported children in DAR schools, and provided a huge number of “rucksacks to backpacks” for deployed military families’ children.

All the Love of Service shown by our 93 Pennsylvania chapters, with their 6,811 members, was celebrated during our annual Fall Meeting in Gettysburg and State Conference in Lancaster, not to mention our six district meetings all around the state. Every DAR member in our state is encouraged to attend these fun annual events as well as special anniversary and America250 events.

As a new district director, I was still flying high on a year full of the Love of Service for God, Home, and Country expressed by our PA daughters as I walked across the White House Lawn toward my first full Continental Congress in DAR Headquarters this June. It was so exciting to see thousands of women gathered together in Constitution Hall in support of our nation and our patriots’ sacrifice.

When the President General entered the room to the strains of Stars and Stripes Forever and the huge Flag of the

United States of America swung out of the ceiling above her, it was trilling. Even more thrilling were my walks back across the White House lawn where DC residents scootered by while US and international tourists snapped selfies all celebrating what this country means to us and to the world.

I encourage all of our members who are able, to fully participate at the chapter, state, national and even international levels. Our visible support of our country and all of its inhabitants through our service projects, awards, and celebrations builds all of us up and makes a great future possible.

In Love of Service to God, Home, and Country,

Edy Sarnoff

South Central District Director

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